Hello 👋!
I'm a PhD student in Robotics at Carnegie Mellon University advised by Jean Oh, head of the Bot Intelligence Group (BIG).
My research interests involve enabling autonomous navigation systems to seamlessly and safely interact with humans in shared spaces. I currently work on developing algorithms and methods that assess and enhance the robustness of motion prediction models and social navigation algorithms. My ongoing works are mostly focused on the domains of aviation and autonomous driving, but I have also explored other domains such as motion in human crowds and sports.
- [Oct 2024] Invited speaker at the Workshop for Interaction-aware Autonomous Systems at IEEE IROS 2024!
- [Oct 2024] Presented our work SoRTS at IEEE IROS 2024!
- [July 2024] Presented our work Amelia at the Aviation and ASCEND Forum 2024 which won Best Student Paper Award in Air Transportation!
- [June 2024] Presented our work SafeShift at IEEE IV 2024!
Check out my work below!
Amelia: A Large Model and Dataset for Airport Surface Movement Forecasting
Ingrid Navarro*, Pablo Ortega-Kral*, Jay Patrikar*, Haichuan Wang, Zelin Ye, Jong Hoon Park, Jean Oh‡ and Sebastian Scherer‡
* Equal contribution; ‡Equal Advising
AIAA Aviation Forum, 2024; Best Student Paper Award.
Challenges in Close-Proximity Safe and Seamless Operation of Manned and Unmanned Aircraft in Shared Airspace
Jay Patrikar, Joao P. A. Dantas, Sourish Ghosh, Parv Kapoor, Ian Higgins, Jasmine J. Aloor, Ingrid Navarro, Jimin Sun, Ben Stoler, Milad Hamidi, Rohan Baijal, Brady Moon, Jean Oh, Sebastian Scherer
Aerial Robotics Workshop at the International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2022